honey[6]: rhode island

Last stop on the honeymoon: Rhode Island. Technically, we stayed in Seekonk, Massachusetts, which is about half a mile over the RI/MA border. My mom tells me that she took my sister and I to the mall in Seekonk all the time, but try as I might, I couldn't remember much. Our last day trip was all the way out to Cape Cod... and yes, I mean all the way. It was positively pouring the entire day (with a little thunder and lightning thrown in for good measure), so much so that on the ride there, we could barely see out of the front windshield. There may have been talk about whether it was a smart idea to drive down one of the narrowest strips of land in the US when we were running a flood risk. We did it anyway.

Just a bit of humanity for you. Since we were flat broke by the end of the trip, this was what we came up with for a romantic dinner. Quite nice, if you ask me.

Now, back to business. We've been getting quite a bit of work lately, which we're obviously loving. Awesome wedding photos from a couple weekends ago in my next post. Also, new (nicer) blog coming soon, along with a special something from a few of us Hallmark 2010 graduates.

Stay tuned for all the excitement!